VMWare vCenter 6.7 /storage/core full ?

Recently we have upgraded the VCSA after that noticed some performance issue while loading vcenter inventory. Check the disk space “df -h” via SSH into the vCenter server appliance. (/dev/mapper/core_vg-core 25G 25G 0M 100% /storage/core) It looks storage/core is near to full. /storage/core # ls -l (remove earlier month of core.vpxd-worker.45xxxxx). root@/storage/core]# rm -f core.vpxd-worker.45xxxx…

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Install or App Capture Error 2755 VMWare AppVolume 2.15

While installing the application in Master image in Windows 10 by VMWare AppVolume capture or provisioning state. You may experience install application error like 2755. You need to change following registry the following registry change: “HookInjectionWhitelist” HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svdriver\Parameters add the following to the HookInjectionWhitelist Add Whitelist has *msiexec.exe ||* in your Master image that already installed…

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