Missing_dependency vibs Qlogic eror. while upgrading ESXi 6.7 on HP Proliant.

When you’re trying to upgrade VMWare ESXi from 6. or 6.5 to 6.7.
Via vCenter update manager or ILO console you may notice the
Error similar: Missing_dependency vibs eror like
Qlogic_bootbank_scsi, or Mellanox bootbank_net.

I just upgraded the firmware version and I have checked my boot mode It’s Legacy BIOS, then I changed to UEFI. After reboot the Serve upgrade is success without any issue.

Or Try this: https://www.stephenwagner.com/2016/12/07/vmware-vsphere-6-5-conflicting-vibs-when-upgrading-esxi-6-0-to-6-5/